
Linked e-resources


George Washington was prescient
A two-party system that nobody asked for
A new two-party system (that nobody asked for)
The fabulous fifties and dysfunctional sixties
Of party bosses and primary elections
The Donald and the Andrew
Media (plural noun) vs. media (singular noun)
Rules of the (political) game
Attacking the two-party trust
Failed third parties in history
All politics is local, and other myths
A court ruling worse than Citizens United?
Voter fraud, electoral fraud, and fraudulent people
How television, blogs, and social media affect politics
Bucking the two-party system
The endorsement game
Of Senate rules and Supreme Court nominations
Wall Street and the two-party system
The two-party system and the First Amendment
God, the media, and the two-party system
Of dinos and rinos
The two-party system and big-time sports
The two-party system and the Supreme Court
The two-party system and the 25th Amendment
Partisanship and deep pockets
The war on Christmas and other political wars
The two-party system and mother nature
The two-party system and gender wars
Partisanship vs. non-partisanship
The two-party system makes strange bedfellows
Nobody is allowed to be an independent
'Judge not, lest you be judged non-partisan'
The two-party system is bad for one's health
The man who upset the two-party duopoly
Party-switchers don't hurt the duopoly
The mid-terms settle nothing
Those inscrutable Florida voters
Gerrymandering and the courts
The new political landscape
Possible third-party candidacies in 2020
The elephant(s) in the room
Another potential elephant
A radical idea from a radical centrist
Until it happens

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