TY - BOOK AU - Knobel, LeRoy L. AU - Phillips, Scott W. CN - TC801 CN - GB857.2.M3 CN - TC801 CY - Washington, D.C. : CY - Denver, CO : DA - 1988. ID - 120459 KW - Water KW - Geochemistry KW - Groundwater KW - Water chemistry. PB - U.S. G.P.O. ; PB - For sale by the Books and open-File Reports Section, U.S. Geological Survey, PP - Washington, D.C. : PP - Denver, CO : PY - 1988. T1 - Aqueous geochemistry of the Magothy aquifer, Maryland / TI - Aqueous geochemistry of the Magothy aquifer, Maryland / VL - 2323 ER -