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1963-1969. (from) The feminine mystique / Betty Friedan ; Sex and caste: a kind of memo / Casey Hayden and Mary King ; (from) Jane Crow and the law: sex discrimination and Title VII / Pauli Murray and Mary O. Eastwood ; (from) SCUM manifesto / Valerie Solanas ; (from) Toward a female liberation movement, Part I / Beverly Jones and Judith Brown ; No more Miss America! / New York Radical Women ; Statement on birth control / Black Women's Liberation Group of Mt. Vernon, New York ; On celibacy / Dana Densmore ; The myth of the vaginal orgasm / Anne Koedt ; (from) Phallic criticism / Mary Ellman ; Leaflet / Witch ; An argument for black women's liberation as a revolutionary force / Mary Ann Weathers ; (from) Radical feminism / Ti-Grace Atkinson ; The personal is political / Carol Hanisch ; The politics of housework / Pat Mainardi ; Women: Do you know the facts about marriage? / The Feminists ; Double jeopardy: to be black and female / Frances M. Beal ; The man's problem / Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and Lisa Leghorn ; (from) The next great moment in history is theirs / Vivian Gornick ; Manifesto and principles / Redstockings
1970-1979. (from) The dialectic of sex / Shulamith Firestone ; (from) Sexual politics / Kate Millett ; (from) The 51% minority / Shirley Chisholm ; Abortion law repeal (sort of): a warning to women / Lucinda Cisler ; The woman identified woman / RadicaLesbians ; (from) Are women equal under the law? / Gene Boyer ; (from) Angry notes from a black feminist / Doris Wright ; (from) Position paper on women / Young Lords Party ; Why I want a wife / Judy Syfers ; A brief elegy for four women / Robin Morgan ; (from) The children's house / Marcia Sprinkle and Norma Allen Lesser ; (from) Rape: the all-American crime / Susan Griffin ; (from) New voice of La Raza: Chicanas speak out / Mirta Vidal ; Black & blacklesbian / Margaret Sloan ; Sisterhood / Gloria Steinem ; (from) The housewife's moment of truth / Jane O'Reilly ; (from) Women who are writers in our century: one out of twelve / Tillie Olsen ; Lesbians in revolt / Charlotte Bunch ; Welfare is a women's issue / Johnnie Tillmon ; (from) Birth control / Barbara Seaman ; (from) Women and madness / Phyllis Chesler ; (from) The verbal karate of Florynce R. Kennedy, Esq. ; (from) Consciousness-raising: a radical weapon / Kathie Sarachild ; Preface to Our bodies, ourselves / Boston Women's Health Collective ; (from) The new feminism and women's studies / Catharine R. Stimpson ; In search of our mothers' gardens / Alice Walker ; Wages against housework / Silvia Federici ; Practicing health without a license / Lolly Hirsch ; Sex and women's liberation / Anne Forer ; (from) Joan Little: the dialectics of rape / Angela Davis ; (from) Against our will: men, women and rape / Susan Brownmiller ; (from) A black feminist's search for sisterhood / Michele Wallace ; (from) The woman warrior / Maxine Hong Kingston ; (from) Through the flower: my struggle as a woman artist / Judy Chicago ; (from) Of woman born / Adrienne Rich ; (from) Trashing: the dark side of sisterhood / Jo Freeman ; A letter from a battered wife / Del Martin ; What is socialist feminism? / Barbara Ehrenreich ; The majority finds its past / Gerda Lerner ; A black feminist statement / The Combahee River Collective ; (from) In mourning and in rage... / Suzanne Lacy and Leslie Labowitz ; (from) Gyn/ecology / Mary Daly ; Notes from a free-speech junkie / Susan Jacoby ; Eleven ways to fight sexual harassment / Lin Farley ; (from) Uses of the erotic: the erotic as power / Audre Lorde ; Racism and women's studies / Barbara Smith
1980-1991. We're all in the same boat / Rosario Morales ; (from) Speaking in tongues: a letter to 3rd world women writers ; To change the world for women / Catharine MacKinnon ; (from) Pornography / Andrea Dworkin ; Pornography and pleasure / Paula Webster ; My mother liked to fuck / Joan Nestle ; (from) La güera / Cherríe Moraga ; (from) Invisibility is an unnatural disaster: reflections of an Asian American woman / Mitsuye Yamada ; (from) From housewife to heretic / Sonia Johnson ; (from) The vows, wows, and joys of the high priestess or What do you people do anyway? / Z. Budapest ; (from) In a different voice: psychological theory and women's development / Carol Gilligan ; (from) Toward a feminist sexual revolution / Ellen Willis ; The fear that feminism will free men first / Deirdre English ; (from) A gathering of spirit / Beth Brant ; (from) Who is your mother? Red roots of white feminism / Paula Gunn Allen ; (from) Thoughts on Indian feminism / Kate Shanley ; Ending female sexual oppression / bell hooks ; (from) The mother tongue, Bryn Mawr commencement address / Ursula K. Le Guin ; style no. 1 / Sonia Sanchez ; Don't you talk about my mama! / June Jordan ; WHISPER: Women hurt in systems of prostitution engaged in revolt / Sarah Wynter ; (from) U.S. PROStitutes Collective / Rachel West ; (from) Pages from a gender diary: basic divisions of feminism / Ann Snitow ; (from) Backlash / Susan Faludi.

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