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1. The American plague
2. The grinning death
3. The children's disease
4. The Black Death
5. The strangling angel of children
6. The colonialist disease
7. The first vaccine
8. Fear of science
9. Another childhood menace
10. Measles strikes back
11. Yellow fever and the mosquito problem
12. The riparian plague
13. The red rash
14. Marsh fever
15. The infamous Typhoid Mary
16. A non-Spanish flu
17. A presidential disease
18. America's disease authority
19. The global health problem
20. The Asian flu
21. The Hong Kong flu
22. The DTP controversy
23. Human immunodeficiency virus : politics and prejudice
24. The autism myth
25. The first coronavirus
26. The bird flu
27. Return of the coronavirus
28. America in the age of COVID
29. Conclusion.

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