

From Hours of Idleness (1807)
To M.S.G.
To a Beautiful Quaker
To a Lady Who Presented to the Author a Lock of Hair Braided with His Own, and Appointed ata Night In December to Meet Him in the Garden
On a Distant View of the Village and School of Harrow on the Hill, 1806
I Would I Were a Careless Child
To Edward Noel Long, Esq.
From Hebreew Melodies (1815)
She Walks in Beauty
The Harp the Monarch Minstrel Swept
My Soul is Dark
The Destruction of Sennacherib
Other Lyrics
Written After Swimming from Sestos to Abydos
To Thyrza
Epistle to Augusta
So We'll Go No More A-Roving
On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
Canto the First (1812)
Canto the Third (1816)
Canto the Fourth (verses 1-10, 164-86) (1818)
The Giaour (1812)
The Prisoner of Chillon (1816)
Manfred (1817)
The Vision of Judgment (1822)
Don Juan (1819-24)
Fragment on the Back of the Ms. of Canto the First
anto the First
Canto the Second (verses CXLI-CCXVI)
Canto the Fifth
Canto the Ninth
Canto the Sixteenth
Letters and Journals: To His Mother, May 1, 1803
To Francis Hodgson, November 3k 1808
To William Harness, May 3, 1810
To Henry Drury, May 3, 1810
To Francis Hodgson, September 3, 1811
To John Murray, September 5, 1811
To Lady Caroline Lamb, May 1, 1812
From His Journal, November 1813-April 1814
To Lady Melbourne, January 7, 1815
To Lady Byron, February 8, 1816
To John Murray, September 15, 1817
To Thomas Moore, February 2, 1818
To John Cam Hobhouse and the Honorable Douglas Kinnaird, January 19, 1819
To the Honorable Douglas Kinnaird, October 26, 1819
From His "Detached Thoughts," October 1821 to May 1822
To the Honorable Augusta Leigh, September 12, 1823
To Mr. Mayer, English Consul at Prevesa, undated
Criticism: Lord Byron's Pilgrimage / Bergen Evans
Byron: The Historical Context / John D. Jump
Byron and the Romantic Lyric / Michael G. Cooke
The Poet of Childe Harold / Francis Berry
The Giaour as Experimental Narrative / Robert F. Gleckner
Byron's Plays and Don Juan / James R. Thompson
Byron as Antipoet / Frank D. McConnell
Byron in the Twentieth Century / Leslie A. Marchand
Byron and the Terrestrial Paradise / E.D. Hirsch, Jr.

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