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Dedication ; Acknowledgments; Contents; List of Table ; Chapter 1: A "Pluralist Turn" in€International Relations?; Persistent Pleas for€a€Pluralistic IR; Remaining Questions; Bibliography; Chapter 2: Where Does IR Stand in€Terms of€Diversity?; What is the€Current Status of€Diversity in€IR?; Epistemology and€Theory; The "Analytical Eclecticism"-that lies within positivism; Methodology; "The Title of€Science"-Usurped by Positivism; To What Extent Is Post-Positivist Research 'Practiced' in€IR?; Research and€Teaching Practices in€American IR; Research and€Teaching Practices in€Chinese IR.

European IR-A Scholarship that "Did Grant American IR a€'Scientific' Legitimacy"Bibliography; Chapter 3: What Is at Stake With€Moving IR Toward a€Pluralistic Discipline?; Literature Review: Searching for€"Shared Answers"; Limitations of€Post-Positivism; Disconnection Between Words and€Deeds?; A Strong Commitment to€Positivism by Asian IR Communities; Do We€Practice What We€Preach?; Socio-Epistemic Issues in€Pluralism; Disciplinary Socialization and€Politics in€IR; "Socialized" Mechanisms-Through Which the€Existing Paradigm is Reproduced; Bibliography.

Chapter 4: "What Kind" of€Pluralism Should We€Pursue and€How Can It Be€Achieved?A Gap in€the€Ongoing Discussion on€Engagement€and€Dialogue; How to€Achieve Active Engagement and€Dialogue€in€a€Divided IR?; "Incommensurability"; Points of€Contact; Translating Metatheoretical Insights into Empirical Knowledge; An Illustration: Critical Realism in€Methodological Practice; Bibliography; Chapter 5: Conclusion; Pluralism and€Reflexivity; My "Hope" for€Pluralism and€Engagement; €Bibliography; Index.

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