Linked e-resources


Political Engagements in Mediated Online Communities. 1. Dovetailing Desires for Democracy with New ICTs' Potentiality as Platform for Activism; Introduction; Activism in Africa: Towards an African Spring?
Rethinking Activism; Digital Engagements: Lessons Learnt; Chapter.
2. Engaging in Polarized Society: Social Media and Political Discourse in Ethiopia
Zone 9 Bloggers-Seeking a Shrinking Middle Ground
Methodology; Campaigning Locally and Globally
3 Baba Jukwa and the Digital Repertoires of Connective Action in a 'Competitive Authoritarian Regime': The Case of Zimbabwe
SMs and the Internet:
An Overview of Social Movements in Zimbabwe
Civic Vacuum and the Emergence of Baba Jukwa
How was the Facebook Page Deployed by Baba Jukwa to Advocate for Political Change in Zimbabwe?
BJ Facebook Page and Collective Action Frames in Zimbabwe
Baba Jukwa and Digital Repertoires of Connective Action
4. Digital Activism in Uganda
Activism and Digital Activism; Prospects for Digital Activism in Uganda
Mixed Messages on Freedom of Expression, Access to Information and the Right to Privacy
Circumscribing Activism
Doing Digital Activism in Uganda
The Save Mabira Campaign 2007/2011
The Campaign in the Media
New Media
The March
Achievement of the Save Mabira Campaign
Challenges of the Mabira Campaign
The Walk-To-Work Protests of 2011 and the 2016 Elections
The Campaign in the Media (2016)
The 2016 Elections
5. Citizen Journalism, Cyber-Activism, and 'Crowdsourcing': Discussing the Sacking of Sierra Leone's Vice President Sam Sumana on Facebook and Twitter
Citizen Journalism and Radical Democratic Empowerment: Change or Continuity in Media Effects and Agenda-Setting
The Internet, Social Media and Democracy in Sierra Leone
Discussing the Sacking of Sierra Leone's Vice President on Facebook and Twitter; Grassroot Versus Elite Posts
User-Generated Content vs Mainstream Media : Facebook and Twitte. Part II Digital Transformations: Civic Activism in the Africa Blogsphere. 6. Engaged Online: Social Media and Youth Civic Engagement in Kenya
Social Media
Problem; Objectives; Literature
Kenyan Political Culture, Systems and Youth Participation
The Internet in Political Communication
Social Networks, Social Capital and Engagement; Social Networking Sites and Social Capital
SNS Connections, Discussions and Engagement; Social Media and Online Participation. Part III Gender and LGTB movements online: emerging debates.

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