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Section 3: Teacher Educators
Chapter 15 Personal practical knowledge of teacher educators
Chapter 16 Beginning teacher educators: Working in higher education and schools
Chapter 17 Reflective practice
Chapter 18 Mentoring
Chapter 19 Exploring the complex concept of quality in teacher education
Chapter 20 Intimate scholarship
An examination of identity and inquiry in the work of teacher educators
Chapter 21 Teacher education for educational and social transformation
Section 4: Students of Teaching
Chapter 22 Factors influencing teaching choice: Why do future teachers choose the career?
Chapter 23 Being a student of teaching
Practitioner research and study groups
Chapter 24 Becoming teacher: Exploring the transition from student to teacher
Chapter 25 Teacher candidates as researchers
Chapter 26 Functions of assessment in teacher education
Chapter 27 The emotional dimension in becoming a teacher
Chapter 28 Social justice and teacher education: Context, theory, and practice
Chapter 29 Looking beyond borders: Scholarship of teacher education.

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