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An Unmitigated Evil; Chapter 1 Introduction; Abstract ; Chapter 2 Brahmin Language, Hindu Growth-Politics and Power of English Language in India; Abstract ; India's BritishEuropean Encounter and Indian Higher Education, 1700-1947; Early Empire Builders Admired Oriental Knowledge and Languages; English, European Sciences, and Useful Knowledge; Sons and Daughters of Macaulay; Conflict and Growth from 1835 to 1947; Independence and After-Language, Education, and Development, 1947-2017; Policy Thinking in Higher Education After 1947.

Language, Education, and Development in Twenty-First CenturyConcluding or Continuing the Debate; Postscript: Brahmin Language, Dalit Politics; Recommended Readings; Chapter 3 Western University, Indian Nationalisms; Abstract ; Politics Takes Hold; National Education; Nationalism of Indian Scientists; Contrasting Nationalisms in the Educational Space; Different Religio-cultural Worlds, Similar Educational Universes; Recommended Readings; Chapter 4 Cold War to Brand Wars: Global Processes, Developmental Visions, and Indian Higher Education; Abstract ; End of Colonialism, Beginning of Cold War.

Of Gandhi, Tagore, and Rural UniversityCommanding Heights of Economy, Education, and Science; Science as Commandment, Scientist as Oracle; Electorate and Education: No Longer an Elite Vision; Philosopher, Physicist, Politician, Private Industrialists; Much Disquiet on the Private Front; India's Policy Prescriptions for Bharat; Translating Policy, Bridging the Divide; Educational Democracy in an Era of Brands and Branding; Recommended Readings; Chapter 5 Class Struggles in Class Rooms: Conflict, Politics, and the Indian University; Abstract ; Of Suicides and Silences; Axes of Discrimination.

Reservation Leads to Downgrading of Excellence in Higher Education?Girls Become Nurses, Boys Become Bus Drivers; Parochial University?; Politics of Control in the Higher Education Space; Student Unions in a Democratic Society; Poverty of Politics; Recommended Readings; Chapter 6 Elite Institutions, Dismal Development: Poverty of Indian Higher Education; Abstract ; "A Quiet Crisis"; The Crisis Gets Louder by the Day; The System has Flaws, Let us Adopt Remedial Measures; it Will Lead to a Better System?; An Architecture of Injustice; Mentality of Caste; A Geography of Injustice.

Disciplines, Development, and UnderdevelopmentEducational Freedom and National Well-being; Recommended Readings; Chapter 7 Conclusion: Toward a Democratic Higher Education; Abstract ; Power Language; Power Institutions: Colonial University and Indian Nationalism; World Powers, Science as Power, and Little or not so Little Power of People; Oppressive Power of Policy, Undemocratic Polity; Educational Democracy and Developmental Futures; Bibliography; Index.

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