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Exploring Ātman from the Perspective of the Vivekacūḍāmaṇi; Preface; Contents; Abbreviations; Chapter 1 A Prolegomenon on the Vivekacūḍāmaṇi; Prologue; Nature and Scope; Hypothesis; Methodology for Reading the Text; A General Outline of the Vivekacūḍāmaṇi; The Title of the Text; The Problem of Authorship; Placing the Text in Context; The Theme of the Vivekacūḍāmaṇi; The Outline of the Text; The Raison-Detre of This Study; The Challenges and Limitations; The Significant Contributions; Summary of the Work; References; Chapter 2 Pratyakṣa-Paśyati Interrelatedness; Introduction

AvasthātrayavivecanaPañcakośavivecana; Anubhava and Its Import; The Inter-Reliant Catalysts; Intuition as the Scaffolding; Viveka as a Valid Means; Summary of the Chapter; References; Chapter 4 The Fading Boundaries of Analysis and Speculation; Introduction; Unique Import of Advaitic Realisation; The Initial Path and Process; Import of Attentive Listening (Śravaṇa); The Import of Doubt and Reasoning (Manana); Contemplation and its Importance; The Asaṅga-Mārga and its Importance; Advaitic Language, Logic, and Analysis: A Critique; Summary of the Chapter; References

Chapter 5 Transcending the Method of via NegativaIntroduction; Transcending the Language-Concept Symbiosis; Absorption of the Mind and Transcendence; Proof for the Subject-Objectless Consciousness; The Ineffable Aham Brahmāsmi; Turīya: The Substratum; The Significations of Self-Luminosity in Turīya; Transcending the Method of Via Negativa; Summary of the Chapter; References; Chapter 6 The Body-Consciousness: A Mystical Dimension of Advaita; Introduction; The Paradox of Non-dual Existence; Resolving the Doctrinal Issues; Reconciling the Body-Consciousness Dichotomy.

Reality and the Vision of the WitnessReality-Experience and the Disembodied; Brahman as "All in One" and "One in All"; Reality-Existence and Sat-Cit-Ānanda; Summary of the Chapter; References; Chapter 7 The Philosophical Underpinnings of the Vivekacūḍāmaṇi; Introduction; Epistemological Contributions; Poles of Internalism and Externalism; Anubhava and Viveka; Enrichment of Metaphysical Categories; Idealistic Thought; Transcending the Method of via Negativa; Other Major Philosophical Implications of Advaita; A Philosophy in Praxis; The Rediscovery of the Person

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