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Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction: Why Class?; Why Class?; The Origins and Themes of This Book; The Structure of the Book; References; 2 Imagining Class in Australian History; Rick Kuhn's History of Class Analysis: Populism and Marxism; An Etymology of the Term 'Class'; The Concept of 'Class' in Australia; Marx's Theory of 'Class'; Marxism in Australia: Imagining 'Class' in the CPA; Russell Ward's the Australian Legend; Conclusion; References; 3 The New Left and Marxism; The Student Movement; Responding to the Student Movement: Arena.

A 'Demythologising Zeal': The CPA-ML and Humphrey McQueenThe Use of Gramsci and Lukács Within the New Left; How 'New' was the New Left? The Project of Reinventing Marxism; Conclusion; References; 4 Connell and Irving's Class Structure in Australian History; The Making of CSAH; How Should Class be Studied? 'Historical' Versus 'A Priori' Analysis; Class Narratives: The Ruling Class, Convicts, Workers and the Proletarian Story; The Reception of CSAH and Its Second Edition (1992); Conclusion; References; 5 Wells' Constructing Capitalism and Political Economy.

(Marxist) Political Economy in AustraliaConstructing Capitalism; Historical Analysis; Wells' Theory: Explicit and Implicit; Regimes of Accumulation: Mercantile and Pastoral-Finance; A Methodology for the Study of 'Surplus Value'; A Political Economy of Social Classes; Conclusion; References; 6 Andrew Metcalfe and Working-Class Consciousness; Violence on the Coalfields; For Freedom and Dignity (1988); Larrikin and Respectable Working-Class Consciousness(es); Metcalfe's Critique of 'Objectivism'; Metcalfe's Concept of 'Freedom'; After Metcalfe: Opportunities for Class Analysis Missed.

Jeffrey Alexander's Methodology of Cultural SociologyThe Limits of Change Within Marxism; Conclusion; References; 7 The Death of Class and Its Afterlife; Part 1: The Death of Class; The Reception; A Critique; Slomczynski and Shabad; Conclusion (Part 1: The Death of Class); Part 2: Pathways After The Death of Class; Structural Class Analysis; Importing Bourdieu; Re-articulating Orthodox Marxism; Conclusion (Part 2: Pathways After The Death of Class); References; 8 Conclusion: Reimagining Class; Recapitulating the Argument; Imagination, Stories and 'Facts'

Potential Frameworks: Historical and PhenomenologicalReferences; Bibliography; Author Index; Subject Index.

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