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1. Introduction: Oscar Wilde and the Cultures of Childhood
Joseph Bristow
2. "Play[ing] Narcissus to a photograph": Oscar Wile and the Image of the Child
Lindsay Smith
3. The Good Aesthetic Child and Deferred Aesthetic Education
Diana Maltz
4. Wilde's Legacy: Fairy Tales, Laurence Housman, and the Expression of "Beautiful Untrue Things"
Lorraine Janzen Kooistra
5. Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Sharp, and the Politics of Dress and Decoration in the Fin-de-Siècle Fairy Tale
Amanda Hollander
6. The Aesthetics of Altruism in Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales
Maria Tatar
7. Oscar Wilde's Fairly Tales and the Evolution of Lying
Jessica Straley
The Young Know Everything: Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales as Children's Literature
Perry Nodelman
9. Greater than the Mystery of Death: Rewriting Oscar Wilde for Young Audiences
Margaret D. Stetz.

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