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Extremism, Radicalization and Security; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Identity and the British Case Study; 1.3 Globalization and Extremism; 1.4 Threat and Myth; 1.5 Questions of Defining "Radical" and "Extreme"; References; Section I Identity, Extremism, Radicalization, Terrorism; 2 Intersections Between Identity and Security; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Identity Theory; 2.3 Primordialism versus Circumstantialism; 2.4 History, Myth and Politics; 2.5 Performing Identity: Hijabs and Beards; 2.6 Conclusions; Note; References

3 Radicalization, Extremism, Terrorism3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Conceptual Critiques; 3.3 State Approaches; 3.4 Islamism and Islamophobia; 3.5 Radicalization Models; 3.6 Policy, Institutional and Bureaucratic Factors; 3.7 Conclusions; Note; References; 4 Reactive Identity Movements; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Identity Politics; 4.3 Reactive and Identity Politics in the Postmaterialist Era; 4.4 Structural Factors; 4.5 Micro-level and Psychological Perspectives; 4.6 Case Study: The English Defence League (EDL); 4.7 The EDL: Organization and Rhetoric; 4.8 Conclusions; Notes; References

Section II State, Society, Narrative, Political Myth5 Political Myth and Discourse Analysis in Security; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Political Myth; 5.3 Identity and the West; 5.4 Political Myth and Islam; 5.5 Political Myth and the "War on Terror"; 5.6 Conclusions; Note; References; 6 Identity and Security Narratives in Contemporary Britain; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Government Strategy and Discourse Analysis; 6.3 Case Studies; 6.3.1 Case Study 1: Prime Minister's Speech on "Extremism"; 6.3.2 Case Study 2: Hizb-ut Tahrir Press Release on David Cameron's Counter-Extremism Strategy

6.3.3 Case Study 3: English Defence League (EDL) Media Announcement, August 20166.4 Conclusions; Notes; References; 7 State Policy and Strategy: Prevent, "Multi-agency" Responses, and the Way Forward; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Counter-Terrorism Legislation in Britain: A History; 7.2.1 Northern Ireland; 7.2.2 After the Troubles; 7.2.3 Prevent; 7.3 Channel; 7.4 Counter Extremism Policy; 7.5 Conclusions; Notes; References; 8 Conclusions; Notes; References; Index

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