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1. Introduction: Partnerships for Innovation
2. The Origins and Flagship Project of NASA's International Program
The Ariel Case Study
3. Global Instantaneous Telecommunications and the Development of Satellite Technology
4. The Other Side of Moore's Law
The Apollo Guidance Computer, the Integrated Circuit, and the Mircoelectronics Revolution, 1962-1975
5. NASA's Mission Control Center
The Space Program's Capitol as Innovative Capital
6. Lessons of Landsat
From Experimental Program to Commercial Land Imaging, 1969-1989
7. Selling the Space Shuttle
Early Developments
8. Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Re-purposing NASA's Spacecraft
9. Encouraging New Space Firms
10. The Discovery Program
Competition, Innovation, and Risk in Planetary Exploration
11. Partnerships for Innovation
The X-33/VentureStar
12. Microgravity, Macro Investment
Overcoming International Space Station Utilization Challenges through Managerial Innovation
12. NASA, Industry, and the Commercial Crew Development Program
The Politics of Partnership
13. Conclusion
What Matters?

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