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1. Introduction
Section 1: Inequality and Poverty in European Union
2. Disposable Income Inequality, Cohesion and Crisis in Europe
3. Drivers of Growing Income Inequalities in OECD and European Countries
4. Unemployment, Precariousness and Poverty as Drivers of Social Inequality: The Case of the Southern European Countries
5. Distributional and Categorical Inequalities in Europe: Structural Configurations
6. Income Poverty in the EU: What Do We Actually Measure? Empirical Evidence on Choices, Underlying Assumptions and Implications (Based on EU-SILC 2005-2014)
7. Poverty and Social Exclusion Indicators in the European Union: The Role of Non-Monetary Deprivation Indicators
8. Inequality of Outcomes and Opportunities Among the Young
Section 2: European Union Against Inequality
9. The European Union Social Tools in Question
10. European Union Policy on Gender Equality: The Scope and Limits of Equality in the Single Market
11. European Union and Human Rights: Reducing Inequalities and Asymmetries in the Context of the Economic Crisis
12. Normative Arguments for a European Social Union
13. Hayek's Trap and the European Utopia We Need
14. Wealth, Taxation and Inequality
15. Conclusion: Back to the Future: Towards a European Social Agenda.

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