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Chapter One: Introduction: Struggle, suffering and symbols: Narratives of nationalism and representing identity
Chapter Two: Flying the nation's colours: Commemorations of the past and the national flag of Timor-Leste
Chapter Three: Monuments and memorials: Funu, terus and constructing an East Timorese national identity
Chapter Four: The Spirit of Rebellion: National heroes, Dom Boaventura, and Personifying National Identity in Timor-Leste
Chapter Five: 'Big Brother Xanana': The cult of personality and the creation of a contemporary national hero
Chapter Six: The Struggle Continues: Peace and prosperity, democratic values and development in political party flags
Chapter Seven: Painting Peace and Prosperity: Street art, the Geração Foun, and identifying with an evolving 'East Timorese-ness'
Chapter Eight: Conclusion.

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