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Chapter 1
Digital Dilemmas: Transforming Gender Identities and Power Relations in Everyday Life
Section I: Theory in Digital and Leisure Contexts
Chapter 2
Laughing at Injustice: #DistractinglySexy and #StayMadAbby as Counternarratives
Chapter 3
Digital Black Feminism
Section II: Methodological Discussions and Guideposts
Chapter 4 Online Qualitative Methods: Confronting New Possibilities and Challenges Within a Social Justice Perspective
Chapter 5
Appnography: Modifying Ethnography for App-Based Culture
Section III: Dilemmas at the Intersection of Gender, Gender Identity, and Digitality
Chapter 6
Writing Recovery from Depression Through a Creative Research Assemblage: Mindshackles, Digital Mental Health, and a Feminist Politics of Self-Care
Chapter 7
Playing with Zombie Problems: Exploring the Gender-Digital- Play Assemblage in Online Mental Health Campaigns
Chapter 8
The Impact of Digital Culture on Women in Sport
Chapter 9
This Girl Can? The Limitations of Digital Do-It-Yourself Empowerment in Women's Active Embodiment Campaigns
Chapter 10
Making Gender and Motherhood Through Pedagogies of Digital Health and Fitness Consumption: 'Soon It Made Us More Active as a Family'
Chapter 11
Digital Dilemmas Through Networked Assemblages: Reshaping the Gendered Contours of Our Future.

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