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Introduction; Àngels Massip, Gemma Bel-Enguix, Albert Bastardas-Boada
Part I: Interdisciplinary approaches for linguistics and biology
Science as a Self-organizing Cognitive System. Coherence and Flexibility of Scientific Explanatory Patterns; Robert Hristovski, Natàlia Balagué, Pablo Vázquez
The Paradigm of Complexity in Sociology: Epistemological and Methodological Implications; Alvaro Malaina
How and why to Model the Complexity of Thought Systems; Leonardo Rodríguez Zoya
Part II: Language change
Linguistic Variation and Change: Approach from the Perspective of Complex Adaptive Systems; Àngels Massip-Bonet
Some Theoretical Prerequisites for the Integrated Study of Linguistic "Macrochange"; Enrique Bernárdez
The Impact of Social Reputation in Language Evolution; Gemma Bel-Enguix
Part III: Sociolinguistics
Restricted' and 'general' complexity perspectives on social bilingualisation and language shift processes; Albert Bastardas-Boada
Patterns of linguistic diffusion in space and time: the case of Mazatec; Léo Léonard, Marco Patriarca, Els Heinsalu, Kiran Sharma, Anirban Chakraborti
Common knowledge in conversation of bilinguals and the ecology of pressures. The complex processes of using language and learning to coordinate actions with other speakers; Roland Terborg, Virna Velázquez
Part IV: Discourse analysis
Discourse Analysis: Constructivist Perspective and Transdisciplinarity; Esperanza Morales López
A complex approach to prosodic discourse variation; Raquel García Riverón and Fidel Alejandro Marrero Montero
Amazing Grace: An Analysis of Barack Obama's Raciolinguistic Performances; Sami Alim
Part V: Syntax, Semantics and Cognition
How to convert a very complex process into something amazingly simple? The case of lexical access; Michael Zock
The emergence of hubs in complex syntactic networks and the DP Hypothesis: the relevance of a linguistic analysis; Lluís Barceló-Coblijn, Maia Duguine, Aritz Irurtzun
The World Color Survey: data analysis and simulations; Peter Lewinski, Michal Lukasik, Konrad Kurdej, Filip Leonarski, Natalia Bielczyk, Franciszek Rakowski, Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi, Dariusz Plewczynski
Cognitive Meaning: Review of the Concepts of Imagination, Image Schema and Mental Image and Consequences on the Conceptualization of Emotions; Maria Antònia Font.

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