The handbook of humanistic psychology : leading edges in theory, research, and practice / edited by Kirk J. Schneider, J. Fraser Pierson, James F. T. Bugental ; contributors, Christopher M. Aanstoos [and sixty-four otherrs] ; proofreader, Sally Jaskold ; cover designer, Candice Harman.
The handbook of humanistic psychology : leading edges in theory, research, and practice / edited by Kirk J. Schneider, J. Fraser Pierson, James F. T. Bugental ; contributors, Christopher M. Aanstoos [and sixty-four otherrs] ; proofreader, Sally Jaskold ; cover designer, Candice Harman.
Print version: Handbook of humanistic psychology : leading edges in theory, research, and practice. Second edition. Thousand Oaks, California : Sage, c2015 9781452267746