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Part I: Teaching digital safety and civility
1. Let them teach each other to swim
2. Making positive choices online
3. The dangers of techno-panic
4. Youth at high risk online: prevention and intervention
5. Law enforcement officers as instructors
6. School staff online
7. Providing parent guidance
Part II: Digital safety and civility education
8. Cyber safe kids
9. Avoid the impulse: remember, what you do reflects on you
10. Read with your eyes open: assess the credibility of information
11. Keep your life in balance: avoid addictive use
12. Think before you post: protect your reputation and respect others
13. Connect safely: interact safely with others online
14. Keep yourself secure: implement security and avoid scams
15. Abide by the terms: act in accord with policies, terms, and laws
16. Stay out of the garbage: avoid objectionable and illegal material
17. Don't sell yourself: disclose and consume wisely
18. Protect your face and friends: be savvy and civil when networking
19. Embrace civility: prevent hurtful digital communications
20. Cyberdate safely: avoid exploitation and abusive relationships.

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