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Introduction Tommie Forslund and Robbie Duschinsky 1 Separation Anxiety (1960) John Bowlby 2 Anxiety, Stress and Homeostasis (previously unpublished; written 1969) John Bowlby 3 Attachment (1984) Mary D. Salter Ainsworth 4 Love as Attachment: The Integration of Three Behavioral Systems (1988) Phillip Shaver, Cindy Hazan, and Donna Bradshaw#xF020; 5 Relationships, Self, and Individual Adaptation (1989) L. Alan Sroufe 6 Disorganized/disoriented Infant Behavior in the Strange Situation, Lapses in the Monitoring of Reasoning and Discourse during the Parent's Adult Attachment Interview, and Dissociative States (1992) M. Main and E. Hesse. 7 The Prototype Hypothesis and the Origins of Attachment Working Models: Adult Relationships With Parents and Romantic Partners (1995) Gretchen Owens, Judith A.

Crowell, Helen Pan, Dominique Treboux, Elizabeth O'Connor, and Everett Waters 8 Dynamics of Romantic Love: Comments, Questions, and Future Directions (2006) Phillip R. Shaver 9 Integrating Temperament and Attachment: The Differential Susceptibility Paradigm (2012) Marinus H. van IJzendoorn and Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg 10 Annual Research Review: Attachment Disorders in Early Childhood
Clinical Presentation, Causes, Correlates, and Treatment (2015)#xF020; Charles H. Zeanah and Mary Margaret Gleason 11 Attachment Disorders Versus more Common Problems in Looked After and Adopted Children: Comparing Community and Expert Assessments (2015) Matt Woolgar and Emma Baldock 12 Attachment in the Early Life Course: Meta-Analytic Evidence for Its Role in Socioemotional Development (2017) Ashley M. Groh, R.M. Pasco Fearon, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, and Glenn I.

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