

Tokugawa Japan as a model for the world : the past as prologue
Author's introduction : the changing image of the Tokugawa period
Part I. Rakuchū rakugai-zu : paintings of scenes in and around Kyoto ; "Come, let us be crazy" : izumo no okuni and ryūtatsu kouta ; Kōetsu, sōtatsu, and the classical revival
Part II. All roads lead to Edo : Bashō's praise of Tokugawa ; An enlightened practical scientist : Kaibara Ekiken, gazetteerist and naturalist ; A visitor in the Sakoku era : Kaempfer and Genroku Japan ; Winter 1709 : east-west dialogue in the Christian compound
Part III. The century of natural history : eighteenth-century Japan and the west ; A letter with no addressee : Sugita Gempaku, nine times blessed old man ; Reading Sugita Gempaku's memoir : Dawn of Western Science in Japan ; Pictures of peace
Part IV. Poet of the Pax Tokugawana : Yosa Buson ; Buson's youthful elegy : "Mourning the old sage Hokuju" ; Women becoming more and more beautiful : Buson and Harunobu ; Coping with the long peace : young rowdies, Ōta Nampo ; The French Revolution and Japan : mild spring weather in a "Little Ice Age"
Part V. Toward the end of the Pax Tokugawana ; Tokugawa colors and design

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