

An earth-shaking controversy
What was my "New Thinking on Relations with Japan"?
The inspiration behind the "New Thinking" : Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang, and their views of Japan
I am not alone on my journey : He Fang, my mentor
Emotions must not be allowed to dictate policy : two great supporters of the New Thinking
Don't hide behind patriotism : was I really beaten up in Hong Kong?
Is it treason to forgive Japan? The Ge Hongbing controversy
Curbing hot-headedness with reason : a letter from Zhu Liang and an article by Yuan Weishi
From "breaking the ice" to a "warm spring" : Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao break the impasse
How the March 11 disaster brought the two countries closer
What is the true nature of the unrest prompted by the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands issue?
Will China and Japan come to blows?
Hatred has no future.

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