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Title Page
Copyright Page
How to Use This Book
Using the Book in a Classroom Setting
Using the Book without a Teacher
Theories of Ethical Decision-Making
How Jews Approach Ethical Problems
Works and History of Classical Jewish Literature
Text 1-Deut. 17:8-11
A Brief Jewish Lexicon
Text 2-Eiruvin 13b
Classical Literature as Understood by Modern Jews
1. Parents and Children
Case Study #1: Who Chooses Where to Go to College?
Case Study #2: Caring for a Parent with Dementia

Case Study #3: Distancing from an Abusive Parent
Text Study #1: Children's Twin Obligations to Parents-Honor and Reverence
Text 1a-Exod. 20:12
Text 1b-Deut. 5:16
Text 2-Lev. 19:3
Text 3-Mekhilta, Massekhta de-Ba$odesh 8
Text 4a-Kiddushin 30b
Text 4b-Kiddushin 30b (continued)
Text 5-Kiddushin 30b-31a
Text Study #2: The Mitzvot Children Owe to Parents
Text 6-Kiddushin 31b
Text 7a-Shul%an Arukh, Yoreh De'ah 240:2
Text 7b-Rashi on Lev. 19:3
Text 7c-Mishneh Torah, Laws of Rebellion 6:11
Text 8a-Shul%an Arukh, Yoreh De'ah 240:4-5

Text 8b-Mishneh Torah, Laws of Rebellion 6:10
Text 8c-Golinkin, "Institutionalizing Parents with Alzheimer's Disease"
Text 9a-Kiddushin 31a-b
Text 9b-Mishneh Torah, Laws of Rebellion 6:7
Text 9c-Mishneh Torah, Laws of Rebellion 6:7 (continued)
Text 9d-Mishneh Torah, Laws of Rebellion 6:8
Text 10a-Midrash Tan%uma Eikev 3
Text 10b-Kiddushin 31b
Text 11a-Dorff, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Text 11b-Diamant, Choosing a Jewish Life
Text Study #3: Parents' Responsibilities to Children
Text 12a-Kiddushin 29a
Text 12b-Nevins, "Between Parents and Children"

Text 13-Kiddushin 29a-b
Text Study #4: Problems in the Parent-Child Relationship
Text 14-Shul%an Arukh, Yoreh De'ah 240:18
Text 15-Dratch, "Honoring Abusive Parents"
Text 16a-Jacob, "Responsibility of Children to Their Parents"
Text 16b-Nevins, "Between Parents and Children"
2. Honesty
Case Study #1: Cheating on an Exam
Case Study #2: Potential Plagiarism
Case Study #3: Withholding Part of the Truth from a Prospective Employer
Text Study #1: Truth Telling and Its Limits
Text 1a-Exod. 20:13
Text 1b-Exod. 23:7
Text 1c-Lev. 19:11

Text 1d-Mecklenburg, HaKetav VeHaKabbalah on Exod. 23:7
Text 2-Ketubot 16b-17a
Text 3a-Yevamot 65b
Text 3b-Bava Metzia 23b-24a
Text 3c-Mishnah Nedarim 3:4
Text Study #2: Whistleblowing and Rebuke
Text 4-Tosefta Bava Kama 7:3
Text 5a-Leff, "Whistleblowing"
Text 5b-Lev. 19:17
Text 5c-Mishneh Torah, Laws of Personal Qualities 6:7
Text 5d-Lev. 19:14
Text 5e-Sifra Kedoshim 2:14
Text 6-Shul%an Arukh, Hoshen Mishpat 388:9
Text 7-Mishneh Torah, Laws of Robbery and Lost Objects 11:3
Text Study #3: Crediting Others for Use of Their Intellectual Property
Text 8-Tan%uma Bemidbar 22.

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