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1. Rethinking how to define magic
2. For magic : against method
3. A discourse historical approach towards medieval learned magic
4. The concept of magic
5. Responses
6. Arabic magic : the impetus for translating texts and their reception
7. The Latin encounter with Hebrew magic : problems and approaches
8. Magic in Romance languages
9. Central and Eastern Europe
10. Magic in Celtic lands
11. Scandinavia
12. From Hermetic magic to the magic of marvels
13. The notion of properties : tensions between Scientia and Ars in medieval natural philosophy and magic
14. Solomonic magic
15. Necromancy
16. John of Morigny
17. Cecco d'Ascoli and Antonio da Montolmo : the building of a "nigromantical" cosmology and the birth of the author-magician
18. Beringarius Ganellus and the Summa sacre magice : magic as the promotion of God's Kingship
19. Jerome Torrella and "astrological images"
20. Peter of Zealand
21. Magic and natural philosophy
22. Medicine and magic
23. Illusion
24. Magic at court
25. Magic and gender
26. Magic in literature : Romance transformations
27. Music
28. Magic and archaeology : ritual residues and "odd" deposits
29. The visual culture of magic in the Middle ages
30. Medieval magical figures : between image and text
31. Scholasticism and high medieval opposition to magic
32. Pastoral literature and preaching
33. Superstition and sorcery
34. Witchcraft
35. Epilogue : cosmology and magic : the angel of Mars in the Libro de astromagia.

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