

The Book of changes
The Book of history
Inscriptions from ritual bronzes
The Book of odes
The Tso chuan
The Rites of Chou
The Book of rites
The Analects of Confucius
Mo Tzu
Hsün Tzu
The Tao-te ching of Lao Tzu
Chuang Tzu
The Songs of the South
Wang Fu's Discourses of a recluse
Pan Chao's perfected woman
The unattainable goddess
The Buddhist pure land
The Lotus sutra
Emptiness is form
The holy teaching of Vimalakīrti
Meditations on the body
Alchemical recipes for immortality
The mind-to-mind transmission of the Dharma
Nailing a stick into empty space : Ch'an Master I-Hsüan
The poetry of cold mountain
The writings of Han Yü
In search of a woman's spirit : the poetry of Po Chü-i
The great ultimate of Chou Tun-i
All people are brothers and sisters : Chang Tsai's Western inscription
The writings of Chu Hsi
Chi'en Ch'un's Learning of the way
The way of the Taoist tradition of perfect truth
A woman adept attains the way
Mortal love and divine retribution in Yüan drama
The writings of Wang Yang-ming
Poetry of the spirit
Monkey's journey to the West
Tales of the supernatural
Confessions of a ghost
The story of the stone
Lu Hsün's critique of tradition
The hypocrisy of modern Confucianism
Mao Tse-tung overthrows religious authority
The cult of Mao
The revival of the spiritual tradtion : the God of theater
The fall of the goddess
Contemporary Ch'an practice : Ch'an Master Shen-yen's Faith in mind
Buddhism comes to America.

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