

Liberal feminism. Theory of female subordination / Cynthia Fuchs Epstein
Integrating family and work in the 21st century / Jerry A. Jacobs, Kathleen Gerson
Marxist feminism. Theorizing racial and gendered class / Joan Acker
Gender, race, and citizenship / Evelyn Nakano Glenn
Socialist Feminism. Gender and complex inequality / Leslie McCall
Invisible heart / Nancy Folbre
Postcolonial and Asian feminism. Under Western eyes at the turn of the century / Chandra Talpade Mohanty
Climbing the pyramids of power / Rae Lesser Blumberg
Radical Feminism. Redstockings Manifesto / Redstockings
Goodbye to all that (#2) / Robin Morgan
Lesbian feminism. Decentering lesbian feminism / Arlene Stein
Lipstick or Timberlands? Gender presentation in Black lesbian communities / Mignon R. Moore
Psychoanalytic Feminism. Freud and feminism / Nancy J. Chodorow
Laugh of the Medusa / Helene Cixous
Standpoint feminism. Women's standpoint : embodied knowledge versus the ruling relations / Dorothy E. Smith
Gendered standpoints on nature / Sandra Harding
Gender rebellion feminisms. Multiracial / multiethnic feminism. Black feminism, knowledge, and power / Patricia Hill Collins
Nego-feminism / Obioma Nnaemeka
Feminist studies of men. Hegemonic Masculinity / R.W. Connell, James W. Messerschmidt
Gender, class, and terrorism / Michael S. Kimmel
Social construction feminism. Gender as a social structure / Barbara J. Risman
Imagining a world without gender / Judith Lorber
Postmodern feminism and queer theory. Gender, sex, and sexual performativity / Judith Butler
Thinking about Drag as social protest / Leila J. Rupp, Verta Taylor
Third wave feminism. Sisters vs. daughters / Astrid Henry
Third wave Black feminism? / Kimberly Springer
Do we have a new feminism?

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