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Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Author; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; Contents of Field Photographs; 1 Introduction and Paleogeographic Context, Previous Work, High-Resolution Scale, Magnetochronologic Perspective, Radiometric Scenario, Igneous Activities, Anoxic Events and Eustatic Fluctuations; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction and Paleogeographic Context; 1.2 Rationale of the Study; 1.3 Previous Work; 1.4 Development of a Scale; 1.5 Magnetostratigraphic Perspective; 1.6 Radiometric Scenario; 1.7 Igneous Activities; 1.8 Oceanic Anoxic Events.

1.9 Eustatic FluctuationsReferences; 2 Mesozoic Stratigraphic Framework in India with Focus on the Jurassic Geological Record in the Kachchh Basin; Abstract; 2.1 Origin of the Kachchh Basin; 2.1.1 Reactivation of the Precambrian Weak Zones; 2.1.2 Infra-rift Sagging; 2.1.3 Intra-Triassic Rift Initiation; 2.1.4 Early Non-marine Phase Prior to the Neotethyan Transgression; 2.2 Salient Features in Brief Prior to the Mesozoic; 2.2.1 Intra-Devonian Origin of the Paleotethys; 2.2.2 Major, Widespread Gaps in India and Neighbourhood Prior as also During the Late Permian-Early Paleogene Mega-Sequence.

2.2.3 Widespread Basal Permian Extensional Tectonics, and Glaciation, Followed up Further by Major Transgressive Event2.2.4 Intra-Permian Origin of the Neotethys; 2.2.5 Wide Spread Early/Late Permian Change in Inland Non-marine Gondwana Basins at the Start of the Mega-Sequence; 2.2.6 Early/Late Permian Change in Marine Basins; 2.3 Triassic; 2.3.1 Triassic System-International and National Status; 2.3.2 Development of Triassic in India; 2.3.3 Triassic Succession in Spiti; 2.3.4 Intra-Triassic Interstage Boundaries.

2.3.5 Paleogeographic Framework at the Start of the Triassic Contextual to Kachchh2.3.6 Suspected Presence of the Late Triassic in the Non-marine Nirona Formation as Encountered in Nirona and Banni Wells of Kachchh; 2.3.7 Broad Stratigraphic Correlation of the Non-marine Nirona Formation to Non-marine Gondwana Units as also to Spiti Marine Units; 2.3.8 Marine Triassic in Neighbourhood; 2.4 Biostratigraphic Zonation in the Triassic; 2.4.1 Ammonoid Zones in the Spiti Triassic; 2.4.2 Conodont Zones in the Triassic of Spiti; 2.4.3 Palynozones in the Non-marine Triassic.

2.5 Salient Mid-Triassic Features2.5.1 Biotic and Abiotic Changes Across the Mid-Triassic Anisian/Ladinian Boundary in Spiti; 2.5.2 Mid-Triassic Unconformity and Associated Changes in Inland Gondwana Non-marine Basins as also in East and West Sector Coastal Basins; 2.5.3 Intra-Triassic Localized Rifting/Igneous Event in India; 2.5.4 Triassic Palyno-Record in the West Sector; 2.6 Jurassic; 2.6.1 Jurassic System-International and National Status; 2.6.2 Development in the Indian Subcontinent; 2.6.3 Outline of the Ammonoid Biogrographic Framework; 2.6.4 Marine Jurassic in Jaisalmer.

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