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Preface; Contents; List of Figures ; Chapter 1: Introduction; Presidential Statecraft: The€Personal Factors; Environmental Factors; Military Power and€Foreign Policy; The Congress; The Bureaucracy; Public Opinion; Notes; Chapter 2: John F.€Kennedy, the€Hawks, the€Doves, and€the€Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962; Who was€John F.€Kennedy?; The Character of€John F.€Kennedy; The Bay of€Pigs Invasion, April 1961; The Vienna Summit, June 1961; The Berlin Crisis, 1961; Khrushchev's Gamble: Soviet Missiles to€Cuba; The Initial US Reactions; The Crisis Begins, October 14-16; The "ExComm."

The Nature of€the€Soviet ThreatThe Military Option; Stevenson's Diplomatic Option; A Naval Blockade, October 20-21; Confronting the€Congressional Leadership, Monday, October 22; The President's Address to€the€Nation, Monday, October 22; Khrushchev Responds, Tuesday, October 23; The Quarantine Goes into€Effect, Wednesday, October 24; Confrontation at Sea, October 24; Khrushchev Considers Retreat, October 24-25; U Thant's Peace Initiative, October 24-25; Kennedy Reconsiders Military Action, Friday, October 26; Khrushchev's October 26 Letter to€Kennedy; The "Blackest Hours," Saturday, October 27.

U-2 Crises, October 27JFK Responds to€Khrushchev's October 27 Letter; Castro's Letter to€Khrushchev, October 27; Khrushchev Retreats, Sunday, October 28; Implementing the€Soviet-American Deal; The Aftermath: Kennedy and€Cuba; Aftermath: Soviet-American Relations; The Historiographical Debate: The€Statecraft of€John F.€Kennedy; The Statecraft of€John F.€Kennedy; For Further Reading; Documents; Document 1. Mongoose Meeting with€Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Washington, October 16, 1962 (excerpt).

Document 2. General Maxwell Taylor Explains Military Options to€President Kennedy, October 16, 1962 (excerpt)Document 3. The€Cuban Situation. Memorandum for€Discussion by€CIA Director John McCone, October 17, 1962 (excerpt); Document 4. Letter from€the€US Ambassador to€the€United Nations Adlai Stevenson to€President Kennedy, October 17, 1962 (excerpt); Document 5. President Kennedy's Meeting with€the€Joint Chiefs of€Staff, October 19, 1962 (excerpt); Document 6. Message from€President Kennedy to€Chairman Khrushchev Delivered to€Soviet Embassy 1:45 A.M.€Washington Time October 25 (excerpt).

Document 7. Letter from€Chairman Khrushchev to€President Kennedy, Moscow, October 26, 1962, 7 P.M. (excerpt)Notes; Chapter 3: A "Worm with€a€Hook": Lyndon Johnson's Decision to€Escalate US Involvement in€the€Vietnam War, November 1963-July 1965; A "Worm with€a€Hook"; The Roots of€Lyndon Johnson; Johnson's Political Career; The Great Society; The Best and€the€Brightest; The Early Dissenters; The Increasing Pressure on€LBJ; The Gulf of€Tonkin Resolution, August 1964; Johnson's Election and€Its Aftermath, November-December 1964; Toward Operation Rolling Thunder, January-February 1965.

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