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Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; List of Figures; Chapter 1: Introduction; Presidential Statecraft: The Personal Factors; Environmental Factors; Military Power and Foreign Policy; The Congress; The Bureaucracy; Public Opinion; Notes; Chapter 2: Theodore Roosevelt, the Panama Lobby, and Senator John Tyler Morgan: The Battle for an Isthmian Canal, 1901-1904; A "Cowboy" in the White House, September 1901; The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt; The Character of the New President; Realism, Idealism, and TR; An Isthmian Canal; John Tyler Morgan Champions a Nicaraguan Canal; William Nelson Cromwell.

The Walker CommissionPhilippe Bunau-Varilla; Roosevelt Chooses Panama; The Senate Debates the Spooner Amendment; The Hay-Herrán Treaty; Colombia Rejects the Treaty; "I Took Panama"; Cromwell Prepares a Revolution; Bunau-Varilla Picks Up the Ball; The Navy Is Ordered to Panama; Bunau-Varilla Launches the Panama Revolt; The Revolution Succeeds; The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty; Roosevelt Defends His Panama Policy; The Senate Debates the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty; The Payoffs; The Canal Scandal; Historians Debate Roosevelt's Panama Policy; The Statecraft of Theodore Roosevelt; For Further Reading.

DocumentsDocument 1. The Bidlack-Mallarino Treaty of 1846 (excerpt); Document 2. Letter from President José Marroquín to General Pompilio Gutiérrez, July 26, 1902 (excerpt); Document 3. The Colombian Newspaper El Correo Nacional Denounced the Hay-Herran Treaty on February 3, 1903; Document 4. Telegram from Luis Velez R. to President Marroquín, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and War, and the President of the Colombian Senate (excerpt); Document 5. Bunau-Varilla Suggests a Way Out of the Diplomatic Stalemate; Document 6. Excerpt from Amador's Letter to His Son, Raoul, October 18, 1903.

Document 7. The US Navy Prepares for ActionDocument 8. Secretary of State John Hay to the US Consulate in Colón, November 3, 1903; Document 9. The United States Recognizes Panama's Independence, November. 6, 1903; Document 10. Theodore Roosevelt to Sir Cecil Spring Rice, November 9, 1903 (excerpt); Document 11. Hay to Senator Spooner, January 20, 1904 (excerpt); Document 12. Roosevelt's Address to Congress, January 4, 1904 (excerpt); Document 13. Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Alban G. Snyder, US Chargé d' Affairs in Colombia, April 12, 1904 (excerpt).

Document 14. Speech by Theodore Roosevelt at the University of California at Berkeley on March 23, 1911 (excerpt)Document 15. New York World Reporter Henry Hall Summarized His Extensive Testimony Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, February 20, 1912 (excerpt); Document 16. Roosevelt Defends His Isthmian Policy, 1913 (excerpt); Notes; Chapter 3: Woodrow Wilson Versus Henry Cabot Lodge: The Battle over the League of Nations, 1918-1920; Who Was Woodrow Wilson?; Parental Influence and Character Development; The Character of Woodrow Wilson; Wilson's Worldview.

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