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Chapter 1. Introduction: Historical Archaeology and environment
Part I: Conceptual frameworks
Chapter 2. More than just a record: active ecological effects of archaeological strata
Chapter 3. The Archaeology of Climate Change: Is Unbridled Commodity Production Sustainable?
Part II: Studies on environmental historical archaeology
Chapter 4. Eco-historical archaeology in the Brazilian Amazon: material, natural and cultural western transformations
Chapter 5. Indigenous charcoal production and Spanish metal mining enterprises: Historical Archaeology of extractive activities and ecological degradation in central and northern Mexico
Chapter 6. Towards an archaeology of extensive pastoralism in the Great Artesian basin in Australia
Chapter 7. The fishermen's disappearance: an archaeology of cruel modernity in São Paulo city
Chapter 8. Entangled relations: the expansion of a colonial frontier in Central Brazil, eighteenth-century
Chapter 9. The Deep History of the Ficus Thonningii Bl. in Central Africa: Ontology, Settlement and Environment among Lower Congo Peoples (Early times to 500 B.C.E.)
Chapter 10. The Evolution of Recent Multidisciplinary Deep-Water Archaeological and Biological Research on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf
Part III. Historical Archaeology and the Anthropocene
Chapter 11. Archaeology and the Anthropocene in the Study of Settler Australia
Chapter 12. The Anthropocene in Antarctica: Considering "fixed" and "more fluid" perspectives of analysis.

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