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Table of Contents
Home alone
The early years (1978-81)
The savings bank and S&L crises
Penn square fails
The butcher empire collapses
Deposit insurance reform/ tackling Wall Street
Continental Illinois topless
Preparing to leave
Lessons learned
Policy mistakes : 1989 through 2007
The subprime mortgage crisis
SEC and FASB blunders
Schizophrenic failure resolution
The $700 billion bailout
Never again.
The early years (1978-81)
The savings bank and S&L crises
Penn square fails
The butcher empire collapses
Deposit insurance reform/ tackling Wall Street
Continental Illinois topless
Preparing to leave
Lessons learned
Policy mistakes : 1989 through 2007
The subprime mortgage crisis
SEC and FASB blunders
Schizophrenic failure resolution
The $700 billion bailout
Never again.