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Reaching for a new deal: ambitious governance, economic meltdown, and polarized politics / Theda Skocpol, Lawrence R. Jacobs
Hard-fought legacy: Obama, congressional democrats, and the struggle for comprehensive health care reform / Lawrence R. Jacobs, Theda Skocpol
Eliminating the market middle-man: redirecting and expanding support for college students / Suzanne Mettler
The contest of lobbies and disciplines: financial politics and regulatory reform / Daniel Carpenter
The unsurprising failure of labor law reform and the turn to administrative action / Dorian T. Warren
Surprising momentum: spurring education reform in states and localities / Lorraine M. McDonnell
Obama's immigration reform: a tough sell for a grand bargain / John D. Skrentny
Cold front: how the recession stalled Obama's clean-energy agenda / Judith A. Layzer
Paying America's way: the fraught politics of taxes, investments, and budgetary responsibility / Andrea Louise Campbell.

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