

pt. 1. Micro-sociological analysis. The phenomenology of the social world / Alfred Schutz
The social construction of reality / Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckman
The presentation of self in everyday life / Erving Goffman
Symbolic interactionism / Herbert Blumer
pt. 2. Exchange and rationality. Social behavior as exchange / George C. Homans
Exchange and power in social life / Peter M. Blau
Social capital in the creation of human capital / James S. Coleman
Foundations for a theory of collective decisions / James S. Coleman
The logic of collective action / Mancur Olson
pt. 3. Institutional analysis. Limits of steering / Niklas Luhmann
Coercion, capital, and European states / Charles Tilly
The iron age revisited : institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields / Paul J. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell
pt. 4. The sociological theory of Michel Foucault. The birth and the clinic ; Truth and power ; Discipline and punish / Michel Foucault
pt. 5. The sociological theory of Anthony Giddens. Some new rules of sociological method ; Agency, structure ; The consequences of modernity / Anthony Giddens
The sociological theory of Pierre Bourdieu. Social space and symbolic space ; Structures, Habitus, practices ; The field of cultural production, or: the economic world reversed / Pierre Bourdieu
pt. 7. Race, gender, and difference. The conceptual practices of power / Dorothy E. Smith
Black feminist epistemology / Patricia Hill Collins
Black skin, white masks / Frantz Fanon
The paradoxes of integration / Orlando Patterson
pt. 8. The sociological theory of Jürgen Habermas. Civil society and the political public sphere ; The tasks of a critical theory of society ; Theory and practice / Jürgen Habermas
pt. 9. Modernity and postmodernity. The social constraint towards self-constraint / Norbert Elias
A sociological theory of postmodernity / Zygmunt Bauman
Describing the future / Niklas Luhmann.

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