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Table of Contents
An Introduction
The Shannon Knot
1. Claude Shannon, from A Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948)
2. Norbert Wiener, from Cybernetics
or, Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948)
3. Harold Garfinkel, from Toward a Sociological Theory of Information (1952)
4. Donald MacKay, from "The Place of 'Meaning' in the Theory of Information" (1955)
5. Claude Shannon, "The Bandwagon" (1956)
6. Gregory Bateson, from "The Cybernetics of 'Self ': A Theory of Alcoholism" (1972)

7. John Durham Peters, from "Information: Notes Toward a Critical History" (1988)
8. N. Katherine Hayles, from "Contesting for the Body of Information: The Macy Conferences on Cybernetics" (1999)
9. Peter Janich, from What Is Information? (2006)
10. Matthieu Triclot, from The Cybernetic Moment (2008)
Order, Number
1. Michel Foucault, from The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences (1966)
2. Mary Poovey, from A History of the Modern Fact: Problems of Knowledge in the Sciences of Wealth and Society (1998)
3. Ian Hacking, from The Taming of Chance (1990)

4. Thomas Richards, from The Imperial Archive: Knowledge and the Fantasy of Empire (1994)
5. Friedrich Hayek, from "The Use of Knowledge in Society" (1945)
6. Claude Lévi-Strauss, from "The Mathematics of Man" (1954)
7. Lily Kay, from Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of the Genetic Code (2000)
The Work of Art
1. Martin Heidegger, from "The Origin of the Work of Art" (1950)
2. Walter Benjamin, from "The Storyteller: Reflections on the Works of Nikolai Leskov" (1936)
3. Yuri M. Lotman, "The Future for Structural Poetics" (1979)

4. Abraham Moles, from Information Theory and Esthetic Perception (1958)
5. Haroldo De Campos, from "The Informational Temperature of the Text" (1960)
6. Umberto Eco, from The Open Work (1962)
7. William R. Paulson, from The Noise of Culture: Literary Texts in a World of Information (1988)
Media Ecologies
1. Frances Yates, from The Art of Memory (1966)
2. Mary J. Carruthers, from "Ars oblivionalis, ars inveniendi: The Cherub Figure and the Arts of Memory" (2009)

3. Michael E. Hobart and Zachary S. Schiffman, from Information Ages: Literacy, Numeracy, and the Computer Revolution (1998)
4. Walter Ong, from Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word (1982)
5. Sigmund Freud, from "A Note Upon the 'Mystic Writing-Pad' " (1925)
6. Vannevar Bush, from "As We May Think" (1945)
7. Marshall McLuhan, from Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (1964)
8. Friedrich Kittler, from "There Is No Software" (1993)
9. Vilém Flusser, from Form and Material (1993) and Recoding (1987)

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