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Table of Contents
Your dream house is blighted
Foxconn comes to America
What does the Foxconn say?
Who made that TV?
The land grab
Racine, poster child of the Rust Belt
Sherrard, Illinois
Monkey business in the middle
Wassily Leontief and input-output economic impact
Flying Eagle economic impact
A tea party for Foxconn
A bright, shining object
The problem with picking winners
An ill wind blows
All politics are local
The trouble with TIF
Following the money
Foxconn on the ground
Breaking the cycle
Postscript: The new contract.
Foxconn comes to America
What does the Foxconn say?
Who made that TV?
The land grab
Racine, poster child of the Rust Belt
Sherrard, Illinois
Monkey business in the middle
Wassily Leontief and input-output economic impact
Flying Eagle economic impact
A tea party for Foxconn
A bright, shining object
The problem with picking winners
An ill wind blows
All politics are local
The trouble with TIF
Following the money
Foxconn on the ground
Breaking the cycle
Postscript: The new contract.