

Holy Snakes: Anon., The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
Golden Ages and Elysiums: Hesiod, Homer, Ovid
Philosophers Rule: Plato, Republic
Pure Germans: Tacitus, Germania
Spartan Conditions: Plutarch, Life of Lycurgus
Arrangements in the Beyond: Irenaeus, Lucian etc., second century A.D.
Watching the Damned Fry: Tertullian, De Spectaculis
In a Chinese Mountain: Tao Qian
More's Conundrum: Sir Thomas More, Utopia
Moon Landing: Francis Godwin, The Man in the Moon
Utopian Cannibals: Michel De Montaigne, Essays
My America: John Donne, 'To His Mistress Going to Bed'
Sun City: Tommaso Campanella, City of the Sun
The Island of Scientists: Francis Bacon, New Atlantis
Honours for Schoolteachers: Samuel Gott, Nova Solyma
The Earth Shall Be Made a Common Treasury: Gerrard Winstanley
On Not Being a Round Quadrangle: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
Holy and Cheerful: Andrew Marvell, 'Bermudas'
Paradise Regained: Thomas Traherne
The Empress's New Clothes: Margaret Cavendish, The Blazing World
Perfect Humans? John Milton, Paradise Lost
Increase and Multiply: Henry Neville, The Isle of Pines
Reasonable Behaviour: Denis Vairasse, History of the Severambians
Unisex Australians: Gabriel De Foigny, A New Discovery
Alchemists Rule: Anon., The Sophick Constitution
Paradise Found: Ambrose Evans, Adventures of James Dubourdieu
Desert Island Discontent: Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
How to Discourage Adultery: Ambrose Philips, The Fortunate Shipwreck
Horse Sense: Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels
Wise Trees: Ludwig Holberg, Niels Klim's Journey
Difficulties with a Flying Suit: Robert Paltock, Adventures of Peter Wilkins
The Happy Savage: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origins of Inequality
Utopian Fishing: Anon., Voyage to the Centre of the Earth
Eldorado: Voltaire, Candide
A Pastoral Idyll: Samuel Johnson, Rasselas
An American in London: Anon., Private Letters from an American
In the South Seas: Louis Antoine, Comte De Bougainville, Voyage round the World
Happy Taxpayers: Louis-Sebastien Mercier, The Year 2440
Mathematical Perfectibility: Antoine Nicolas De Condorcet, Sketch
Sanctuaries for Sadists: The Marquis De Sade, Justine; Philosophy in the Bedroom
Equality: Francois-Noel Babeuf, Defence
The Punishment Fits the Crime: Anon., Libellus
The Paradise of Single Mothers: James Lawrence, The Empire of the Nairs
The Gospel of Industrialism: Claude-Henri De Saint-Simon, Works
How to Run a Cotton-Mill: Robert Owen, A New View of Society
Passions Set Free: Charles Fourier, Selected Texts
Head-Bumps and Destiny: John Trotter, Travels in Phrenologasto
Lotos-Eaters: Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Plastic-Wood Paradise: J. A. Etzler, A Paradise within the Reach of All Men
The Joys of Sameness: Etienne Cabet, Voyage to Icaria
The Water Cure: Henry J. Forrest, Dream of Reform
The Noble Savage: Charles Dickens, Household Words
The Really Precious Things: John Ruskin, Modern Painters
A New Nation: Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
To a Nunnery: Gerard Manley Hopkins, 'Heaven-Haven'
Almost Human: Edward Lear, 'The Jumblies'
Vril, Father of Bovril: Edward Bulwer Lytton, The Coming Race
Sick Criminals: Samuel Butler, Erewhon
The Withering State: Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme
Good Deaths: Anthony Trollope, The Fixed Period
Women in Power: Walter Besant, The Revolt of Man
Green England: Richard Jefferies, After London
The Frustration of Smith: W. H. Hudson, A Crystal Age
Bring Back National Service: Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward
A Cure for Wrinkles: Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett, New Amazonia
An Ideal Ireland: Edward Joseph Martyn, Morgante the Lesser
Socialism for Aesthetes: Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism
Going Nowhere: William Morris, News from Nowhere
Suicide on Tap: Ignatius Donnelly, Caesar's Column
Utopian Menopause: Elizabeth Wolstenholme, Woman Free
The Law of the Jungle: Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book
Garden Cities: Ebenezer Howard, Tomorrow
Young Man Goes East: Joseph Conrad, Youth
Eliminating the Unfit: H. G. Wells, Anticipations
Progressing to the Higher Life: John MacMillan Brown, Limanora
Deep-Frozen Genius: Gabriel Tarde, Underground Man
Fish Heaven: Rupert Brooke, 'Heaven'
Virgin Births: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland
A Surgical Cure for Imagination: Yevgeny Zamyatin, We
Sailing to Byzantium: W. B. Yeats, A Vision
Samoan Fibs: Margaret Mead, Coming of Age in Samoa
Imaginary Etruscans: D. H. Lawrence, Etruscan Places
Shangri-La: James Hilton, Lost Horizon
Women in Cages: Katharine Burdekin, Swastika Night
Christ Takes Over: Newman Watts, The Man Who Did Not Sin
Hitler's Russian Garden: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf; Table Talk
On Not Licking Your Lollipop: B. F. Skinner, Walden Two
The Worst Thing: George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Men or Machines? Kurt Vonnegut, Player Piano
Huxley's Hell and Heaven: Brave New World; The Doors of Perception; Island
Disneyland at Christmas: E. L. Doctorow, The Book of Daniel
Describing Venice: Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
Space Potatoes: Freeman J. Dyson, J. D. Bernal Lecture
Infertile Solution: Naomi Mitchison, Solution Three
Mixed Motherhood: Marge Piercy, Woman on the Edge of Time
Having What You Want: Julian Barnes, A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters
The Lottery State: Barbara Goodwin, Justice by Lotteryection
What Women Want: Bernadette Vallely, What Women Want
Utopian Coursework: Jim Dator, Desirable Societies
The Intelligent Planet: Michio Kaku, Visions
Designer Children: Lee M. Silver, Remaking Eden.

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