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The histor in history / W.R. Connor
The meaning of material culture: Herodotus, Thucydides, and their sources / Charles W. Hedrick, Jr.
Three aspects of Spartan kingship in Herodotus / Rosaria Vignolo Munson
Reading the world: the interpretation of objects in Herodotus' Histories / Carolyn Dewald
Thucydides' birth date / Charles W. Fornara
Thucydides' criticism of democratic knowledge / Josiah Ober
Archidamus and the question of characterization in Thucydides / Daniel P. Tompkins
The death of Thucydides and the motif of "land on sea" / Stewart Flory
The silent women of Thucydides: 2.45.2 re-viewed / Paul Cartledge
Thucydides 2.45.2 and the status of war widows in Periclean Athens / Lisa Kallet-Marx
"Here the lion smiled": a note on Thucydides 1.127-38 / Cynthia Patterson.

Buphonia and goring ox: homicide, animal sacrifice, and judicial process / Marilyn A. Katz
The perception of deception and gullibility in specialists of the supernatural (primarily) in Athenian literature / Donald Lateiner
The Athenian economy / Edward E. Cohen
Oligarchic thinking in the late fifth century / David M. Lewis
From Athena's owl to the owl of Athens / H.A. Shapiro k
Land ownership, territorial possession, hero cults, and scholarly theory / Irad Malkin
Knemides in the East?: some observations on the impact of Greek body armor on "barbarian" tribes / Elfriede R. Knauer
Andocides' On the mysteries and the theme of the father in late fifth-century Athens / Barry S. Strauss.

Aristotelian politeiai and Athenaion politeia 4 / Robert W. Wallace
The strange death of Draco on Aegina / Thomas J. Figueria
Tyranny and outlawry: Athenaion politeia 16.10 / Edwin M. Carawan
Samian autonomy / David Whitehead
A dedication from the Chersonese at Olympia / A.J. Graham
The polis in the Hellenistic world / Erich S. Gruen
Paean and paeanists of Serapis and the Flavian emperors / Robert E.A. Palmer.

Plato's Ion and the problem of techne / Charles H. Kahn
The place of phthonos in the argument of Plato's Phaedrus / Matthew W. Dickie
Out of the cave: what Socrates learned from Diotima / Dorothea Frede
The Acropolis of the soul / Helen F. North
Plato's Magnesia / Diskin Clay
Theophrastus on law, virtue, and the particular situation / William W. Fortenbaugh.

Lipous' androteta, elision, and prosody / Henry M. Hoenigswald
On critically looking into Snell's Homer / Eliot Wirshbo
Into the midpoint of things: Aristotle, Bartlett, and the memory of a poet / James Tatum
Ate reconsidered / Matt Neuberg
Aeschylus' politics and the theme of the Oresteia / David M. Schaps
The Prometheis in vase painting and on the stage / Keith DeVries
Oedipus as pharmakos / Helene Peet Foley
What do you know?: the end of Oedipus / Rachel Kitzinger
Elusory voices: thoughts about the Sophoclean chorus / Thomas G. Rosenmayer
The frustrated mourner: strategies of closure in Greek tragedy / Deborah Roberts
Problems in Greek literary history: the case of Aristophanes' Clouds / Jeffrey Henderson
Alcibiades in Cloudedoverland / Michael Vickers
The bios-tradition and poets' lives in Hellenistic poetry / Peter Bing
Corinna and Pindar / Dee Clayman.

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