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Giyira: indigenous women's knowing, being and doing as a way to end war on country / Jessica Russ-Smith
One for all, all for one: taking collective responsibility for ending war and sustaining peace / Heidi Hudson
Feminist organising for peace / Sarai B. Aharoni
Piecing-up peace in Kashmir: feminist perspectives on education for peace / Shweta Singh and Diksha Poddar
Learn from Kurdish women's liberation movements to imagine the dissolution of the nation-state system / Eda Gunaydin
Queer our vision of security / Cai Wilkinson
Abolish nuclear weapons: feminist, queer, and indigenous knowledge for ending nuclear weapons / Ray Acheson
Make foreign policies as if black and brown lives mattered / Yolande Bouka
Draw on ecofeminist and indigenous scholarship to reimagine the ways we memorialise war / Sertan Saral
Engage with combatants as interlocutors for peace, not only as authorities on violence / Roxani Krystalli
Recognise the rights of nature / Keina Yoshida
Create just, inclusive feminist economies to foster sustainable peace / Carol Cohn and Claire Duncanson
Change how civilian casualties are 'counted' / Thomas Gregory
Listen to women when creating peace initiatives / Laura J. Shepherd

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