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Table of Contents
Introduction: the equation of pictures
The economic image: Hollywood dataculture and the moneyball of Moneyball
Precession: Titanic: it's all on the screen
Follow the money: the Warner '70s
High concept the Chicago way: Dan Rostenkowski, Ferris Bueller, Eliot Ness
Like some dummy corporation you just move around the board: tax credits and time travel
Recession: two trailers from the opening of the Obama era
The biggest independent pictures ever made
Numbers, stations: Lost and the digital turn in U.S. television
The piggies and the market
The United States of America v. The wolf of Wall Street
The economic image: Hollywood dataculture and the moneyball of Moneyball
Precession: Titanic: it's all on the screen
Follow the money: the Warner '70s
High concept the Chicago way: Dan Rostenkowski, Ferris Bueller, Eliot Ness
Like some dummy corporation you just move around the board: tax credits and time travel
Recession: two trailers from the opening of the Obama era
The biggest independent pictures ever made
Numbers, stations: Lost and the digital turn in U.S. television
The piggies and the market
The United States of America v. The wolf of Wall Street