

New York in the forties. New York becomes the center
The sense of a new movement in New York
A dialog with Europe. Alexander Calder
Hans Hofmann
Arshile Gorky
Robert Motherwell
Willem de Kooning
Existentialism comes to the fore. Jackson Pollock
Barnett Newman
Mark Rothko
David Smith and the sculpture of the New York School
The new European masters of the late forties. Jean Dubuffet and postwar Paris
The existentialist figuration of Alberto Giacometti
Francis Bacon
Some international tendencies of the fifties. Purified abstraction
"New images of man" in Europe and America
The beat generation : the fifties in America. "A Coney Island of the mind" : the Beats and John Cage
Robert Rauschenberg
Appropriating the real : junk sculpture and happenings
Claes Oldenburg
Jasper Johns
The European vanguard of the later fifties. Nouveau réalisme
Joseph Beuys
British pop : from the Independent Group to David Hockney.

The landscape of signs : American pop art 1960 to 1965. The electronic consciousness and New York pop
Andy Warhol
Roy Lichtenstein
James Rosenquist
H.C. Westermann, Peter Saul, and the Hairy Who
West Coast pop
Robert Arneson
In the nature of materials : the later sixties. Back to first principles
minimal art
Eva Hesse and investigations of materials and process
Bruce Nauman and Richard Serra
Artists working in the landscape
Arte povera, and a persevering rapport with nature in Europe
Politics and postmodernism : the transition to the seventies. Re-radicalizing the avant-garde
Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Surviving the corporate culture of America of the seventies. A new pluralism
Romare Bearden
Alice Aycock
Philip Guston's late style
Painting at the end of the seventies. New expressionist painting in Europe
The peculiar case of the Russians
New imagist painting and sculpture
The eighties. A fresh look at abstraction
American neo-expressionism
Post-modern installation
New tendencies of the nineties
To say the things that are one's own.

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