

This book began as a list designer Stefan Sagmeister made in his diary under the title Things I have learned in my life so far, which includes statements such as "Worrying solves nothing" and "Trying to look good limits my life." The list reveals something that is profoundly true: Although human beings have been pursuing happiness for countless generations, it is not so easily achieved. And we need constant reminders to keep us on the right path. With the support of his clients, Sagmeister transformed these sentences into typographic works, from billboards in France to sign-toting inflatable monkeys on the streets of Scotland. Accompanied by essays from design historian Steven Heller, Guggenheim chief curator Nancy Spector, and UK psychologist Daniel Nettle, as well as Sagmeister's own words, the series is revealed as a complex blend of personal revelation, art, and design; an eclectic mix of visual audacity and sound advice.

Things I have learned in my life so far
Assuming is stifling
Being not truthful works against me
Complaining is silly either act or forget
Drugs are fun in the beginning but become a drag later on
Everybody (always) thinks they are right
Everybody who is honest is interesting
Everything I do always comes back to me
Having guts always works out for me
If I want to explore a new direction professionally, it is helpful to try it out for myself first
Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses
Money does not make me happy
Starting a charity is surprisingly easy
Trying to look good limits my life
Worrying solves nothing.

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