

PART 1: Introduction
The Trend of Railway Financial Condition, 1890-1929
Railroads and the Depression
PART 2: Factors Affecting Railway Net Income
Volume of Traffic
The Decline of Passenger Business
Operating Efficiency
Freight and Passenger Rates
Obsolescent Lines
Railroad Wages and Operating Costs
Unproductive Expenditures
PART 3: Financial Structure and Financial Policies
Financial Structure and Ownership of the Railways
Railroad Capitalization
Financial Policies
Reorganization Procedure: Current Practice
Reorganization Procedure: Proposals for Change
PART 4: Regulation of the Level of Rates
The Valuation Plan
The Recapture Experiment
Analysis of Valuation Principles
The Utility of Physical Valuation
PART 5: Water Transportation
Waterway History and Policy
Comparative Cost of Water and Rail Transportation
Analysis of Specific Projects
PART 6: Highway Transportation
Nature of the Highway Transport Problem
Highway Development and Financing
Who Pays for the Highways?
Motor Vehicle Taxation
Truck Competition in Agricultural Products
Possibilities of Co-ordination of Rail and Motor Transport
PART 7: Other Transportation Agencies
Oil and Gasoline Pipe Lines
Air Transport
PART 8: Stabilization of the Railroad Industry
The Readjustment of Rates and Costs
The Problem of Terminal Unification
Transportation and City Planning
Methods of Effecting Terminal Unification
Consolidation and Efficiency
PART 9: Reorientation in Transportation Regulation
Development of the Present System of Regulation
The Need for a New Transportation Policy.

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