

Preface to the Revised Tenth Edition / W. Khalidi
Preface to the Tenth Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Part I: The Pre-Islamic World ; The Arabs as Semites: Arabia the Cradle of the Semitic Race ; The Arabian Peninsular ; Bedouin Life ; Early International Relations ; The Sabaean and Other States of South Arabia ; The Nabataean and Other Petty Kingdoms of North and Central Arabia ; Al-Hijaz on the Eve of the Rise of Islam
Part II: The Rise of Islam and the Caliphal State ; Muhammad the Prophet of Allah ; The Koran the Book of Allah ; Islam the Religion of Submission to the Will of Allah ; Period of Conquest, Expansion and Colonization, A.D. 632-61; The Conquest of Syria ; Al'Iraq and Persia ; Conquered Egypt, Tripolis and Barqah Acquired ; The Administration of the New Possessions ; The Struggle between 'Ali and Mu'awiyah for the Caliphate
Part III: The Umayyad and 'Abbasid Empires ; The Umayyad Caliphate: Mu'awiyah Establishes a Dynasty ; Hostile Reactions with the Byzantines ; The Zenith of Umayyad Power ; Political Administration and Social Conditions under the Umayyads ; Intellectual Aspects of Life under the Umayyads ; Decline and Fall of the Umayyad Dynasty ; The Establishment of the 'Abbasid Dynasty ; The Golden Prime of the 'Abbasids ; The 'Abbasid State ; 'Abbasid Society ; Scientific and Literary Progress ; Education ; The Development of Fine Arts ; Moslem Sects ; The Caliphate Dismembered: Petty Dynasties in the West ; Sundry Dynasties in the East ; The Collapse of the 'Abbasid Caliphate
Part IV: The Arabs in Europe: Spain and Sicily ; Conquest of Spain ; The Umayyad Amirate in Spain ; Civil Disturbances ; The Umayyad Caliphate of Cordova ; Political, Economic and Educational Institutions ; Petty States: Fall of Granada ; Intellectual Contributions ; Art and Architecture In Sicily
Part V: The Last of the Medieval Moslem States ; A Shi'ite Caliphate in Egypt: The Fatimids ; Life in Fatimid Egypt ; Military Contacts between East and West: The Crusades ; Cultural Contacts ; The Mamluks, Last Medieval Dynasty of Arab World ; Intellectual and Artistic Activity ; The End of Mamluk Rule
Part VI: Ottoman Rule and Independence ; The Arab Lands as Turkish Provinces ; Egypt and the Arab Crescent ; The Changing Scene: Impact of the West.

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