Inés del alma mía : una novela / Isabel Allende.
PQ8098.1.L54 I54 2006 (Mapit)
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Inés del alma mía : una novela / Isabel Allende.
006116156X (pbk.)
9780061161568 (pbk.)
006116156X (pbk.)
9780061161568 (pbk.)
Publication Details
New York : Rayo, HarperCollins, 2006.
Language Note
In Spanish. En español.
366, [1] pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cm
Item Number
Call Number
PQ8098.1.L54 I54 2006
Dewey Decimal Classification
Basada en una investigación meticulosa, esta novela narra la vida de Inés Suárez. Española de una familia pobre, Inés trabaja como costurera. Es el siglo dieciséis, y la conquista de América está apenas comenzando. Cuando un día el esposo de Inés desaparece rumbo al Nuevo Mundo, ella parte en busca de él, escapando de su vida claustrofóbica. En Perú, Inés se entera de que su esposo murió en una batalla, y muy pronto empieza una apasionada relación amorosa con Pedro de Validivia, mariscal de Francisco Pizarro. Valdivia sueña con triunfar donde otros españoles han fracasado, en la conquista de Chile. Aunque se dice que en aquellas tierras no hay oro y que los guerreros son feroces, esto inspira a Valdivia aun más ya que lo que busca es el honor y la gloria. Juntos, los dos amantes fundarán la ciudad de Santiago y librarán una guerra sangrienta contra los indígenas chilenos.--Desde la descripción de la editorial.
Based on meticulous research, this novel tells the life story of Inés Suárez. It is the sixteenth century, and the conquest of America has just begun. Inés is a poor seamstress in Spain. When her husband disappears for the New World, she sets out in search of him, escaping her claustrophobic life. In Peru, she learns that her husband is dead, but quickly begins a love affair with Pedro de Validivia, Francisco Pizarro's marshal. Valdivia dreams of succeeding where others have failed--in the conquest of Chile. Although it is said that there is no gold there and that the warriors are fierce, this only inspires Valdivia more, since he seeks glory rather than riches. Together, the lovers will found the city of Santiago and wage bloody war against the Chilean natives.--From publisher description.
Based on meticulous research, this novel tells the life story of Inés Suárez. It is the sixteenth century, and the conquest of America has just begun. Inés is a poor seamstress in Spain. When her husband disappears for the New World, she sets out in search of him, escaping her claustrophobic life. In Peru, she learns that her husband is dead, but quickly begins a love affair with Pedro de Validivia, Francisco Pizarro's marshal. Valdivia dreams of succeeding where others have failed--in the conquest of Chile. Although it is said that there is no gold there and that the warriors are fierce, this only inspires Valdivia more, since he seeks glory rather than riches. Together, the lovers will found the city of Santiago and wage bloody war against the Chilean natives.--From publisher description.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 365-367).
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