

21 points of the Third International, 1920
Ends and means of the Communist Party / Charles E. Ruthenberg
Manifesto of the Communist Party of the United States, 1934
Democracy or fascism / Earl Browder
Our sights to the future / Gus Hall
Smith Act, 1940
Smith Act cases: Dennis et al. v. United States, 1951; Yates v. United States, 1957; Scales v. United States, 1961; Noto v. United States, 1961
McCarran Act, 1950, and the Communist Control Act of 1954
McCarran Act Case: Communist Party v. Subversive Activities Control Board, 1961
Civil Liberties, 1952: a study in confusion / Irving Kristol
Our freedom
and the rights of comunists / Alan f. Westin
Reflections on the Smith Act / Sidney Hook
Freedom and fear / Zechariah Chafee, Jr.
Free speech and the communist conspiracy / Walter Gellhorn.

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