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A selected sample of internal and external conflicts
Indian Dispute Resolution Service (IDRS)
Outline of the book
Chapter 1. Negotiation as a strategy for conflict resolution
A typology of conflict resolution strategies
Adversarial versus collaborative forms of dispute resolution
Mediation versus arbitration
The concept of win-win
Chapter 2. Traditional Native approaches to negotiation and the field of dispute resolution
Consensus-based decision making
Treating others with dignity, respect, and honor
Collaborative negotiation versus positional negotiation
Relationship building
Careful selection of community peacemakers
Chapter 3. Planning and preparation
Causes or origins of the conflict
Costs of the conflict
Benefits of the conflict
Identifying your interests
What are interests?
Knowing your interests
Knowing the other party's interests
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
What are issues?
Identifying your expectations
Building the agenda
Developing and exchanging proposals
Chapter 4. Creating the three satisfactions
Negotiate a procedural agreement
Creating substantive satisfaction
Developing relational satisfaction
Recap: the six stages of the negotiation process
Chapter 5. Meeting the structural challenges of negotiating with government
Tribal protection of natural resources and ancestral lands
Structural challenges of government-to-government negotiations
Vertical negotiations
Internal team negotiations
Horizontal negotiations
Chapter 6. Leveraging power
Alternative political resources for tribes
Other legislative sources of leverage and control
Tribes should champion their cause in the public sphere
Chapter 7. How the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe got its land back: a case study in government-to-government negotiations
Historical background
The California Desert Protection Act
Round one of the talks
The Tribe's national political organizing strategy
The second round
Creating substantive satisfaction
Creating relational satisfaction
Appendixes: improving negotiation outcomes with better communication skills
Appendix A. Exercises for chapter 1: "Negotiation" as a strategy for conflict
Appendix B. Exercises for chapters 2-4: Implementing the negotiation methodology
Appendix C. Exercises for chapters 5 and 6: The structural challenges of government-to-government negotiation.

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