

In the beginning
It should flow like oil
Thirds, sixths and octaves
In profile and on the road
String-snapper, hands on high
In the interim
From Ireland to Bohemia
Romanticism and its rules
Tubercular, romantic, poetic
Thunder, lightning, mesmerism, sex
Old Arpeggio, other salonists, and the American penetration
More salonists, and the Revolutionary in octaves
Two sensitive ones
The first American
The virtuous
Tyrant and intellectual
The children of the abbé
Thunder from the East
French neatness, precision, elegance
The Lisztianers and Leschetitkianers take over
An archangel come down to earth
The Little Gant, and other Liszt-made giants
Some of the Leschititzky group
The Chopinzee, the Buddha and others
The ladies
Composers at the keyboard
Dr. Faustus at the keyboard
Perfection plus
The Puritan
Some headliners of the day
New philosophies, new styles
The man who invented Beethoven
Romanticism still burns
Twentieth-century schools.

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