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Table of Contents
Craftsmen and work wives : the gendering of television writing
"A sea of male interests" : your show of shows and the comedy of female mischief
Gertrude Berg, Peg Lynch, and the "small situation" of the stay-at-home showrunner
What girl wouldn't? : the many children of Irna Phillips
"Knowing all the plots" : presenting the woman story editor
"A Girl's gotta live" : the literate heroines of the suspense anthology drama
Conclusion : better than it never was.
"A sea of male interests" : your show of shows and the comedy of female mischief
Gertrude Berg, Peg Lynch, and the "small situation" of the stay-at-home showrunner
What girl wouldn't? : the many children of Irna Phillips
"Knowing all the plots" : presenting the woman story editor
"A Girl's gotta live" : the literate heroines of the suspense anthology drama
Conclusion : better than it never was.