

"Why should we be laymen with respect to art?" : the formative years, 1910-1918 / Hans R. Morgenthaler
"Organic!" : Einstein, Finlay-Freundlich, Mendelsohn, and the Einstein Tower in Potsdam / Kathleen James
"Thinking from day to day, where history takes great turns, leaving hundreds of thousands unsatisfied" : early Expressionist buildings in Luckenwalde, Berlin, and Gleiwitz / Regina Stephan
"Around noon land in sight" : travels to Holland, Palestine, the United States, and Russia / Ita Heinze-Greenberg
"The merchandise is primary
all architectural means serve its praise" : department stores in Berlin, Breslau, Chemnitz, Duisburg, Nuremberg, Oslo, and Stuttgart, 1924-1932 / Regina Stephan
"No stucco pastries for Potemkin and Scapa Flow" : metropolitan architecture in Berlin : the WOGA complex and the Universum Cinmea / Kathleen James
"We believe in Berlin!" : the Metal Workers' Union Building, the Columbushaus, and other office buildings in Berlin / Regina Stephan
a miracle in the past and in the present" : Soviet buildings and projects / Kathleen James
"Even if Berlin buildings had been well underway, I would have kept on fighting" : small buildings for the Jewish communities in Tilsit, Königsberg, and Essen / Kathleen James
"One of the most lovable people and at the same time one of the most unpleasant" : Mendelsohn and his assistants in the 1920s and early 1930s / Regina Stepahn
"The same means, the same end" : private houses in Berlin and the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright / Regina Stephan
"I often fear the envy of the gods" : success, house, and home / Ita Heinze-Greenberg
"We'll leave it to the Schultzes from Naumburg to ignore the Mediterranean as the father of the international art of composition" : the Mediterranean Academy Project and Mendelsohn's emigration / Ita Heinze-Greenberg
"Enough mistakes and experience behind me
enough strength and future before me" : buildings in England and the partnership with Serge Chermayeff, 1933-1941 / Charlotte Benton
"I am a free builder" : architecture in Palestine, 1934-1941 / Ita Heinze-Greenberg
"It will be hard for us to find a home" : projects in the United States, 1941-1953 / Hans R. Morgenthaler.

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